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Here are resources outside of this site that will be helpful for use of UTAU. Many of these are linked within tutorial pages.

UTAU Downloads

UTAU (Windows) most recent version – v.04.18e

UTAU-Synth (Mac) most recent version – 1.0.0 b20 (under UTAU-Synth for MacOSX)

UTAU Plugins

Bizz’s “The Best Things I Could Think of, Etc” Plguin aka Iroiro – iroiro2.zip is most recent version and has a ENG interface! This tutorial guides you how to change the interface language. (You only need to download iroiro2.zip. The tutorial was made for an earlier version that required a separate language patch.)

BGM Player – useful for playing the instrumental of a song or playing two or more USTs at a time

UTAU Resamplers

Resamplers are often difficult to find and link to, because the sites they are hosted on go down or do not show up in search results. Here is a mirror containing several resamplers - EFB-GT, fresamp (versions 11 & 14), moresampler (0.8.3 & 0.8.4), TIPS, and tn_fnds.

I would recommend putting the resamplers in the UTAU directory wherever you installed UTAU - I keep a folder named "resamplers" to hold all of mine. Do not move or change any of the docs in moresampler or tn_fnds, as they need those to run.

To change the active resampler, in UTAU, go to Project > Project Property and click the button with three dots (...) at the very right of "Tool 2 (resample)" and replace it with your resampler of choice (Moresampler needs to be in both Tool 1 and Tool 2). Some resamplers will not work well with certain UTAU voicebanks; some will not run at all, some will only render garbled noise.

Example Files

Example USTs

Voicebank Downloads

utau.wiki – a comprehensive database of UTAU voicebanks

utau.wiki – filtered by Voicebank Style

utau.wiki – filtered by UTAU name

Popular/Easy-to-Use Voicebanks

Kasane Teto:

Momone Momo:

Hakupo Tsukishiro/Hakuappoid:

UTAU Related-Tutorials

Reclist Directory

Writing an UTAU Terms of Use

Basic OTO Tutorial

Advanced OTO Tutorial

Miscellaneous Tutorials

Setting Locale to Japanese for Win7/Vista/XP

Utau.wiki Tutorials

Utau.wiki Glossary of Terms

Hiragana Chart

Katakana Chart

Other Programs


*Please note: As of fairly recently, Audacity versions 3.0.3 and newer have some form of telemetry and strange data privacy concerns. I'm not aware of the current status, but for now, I'm linking to a mirror of older versions of Audacity. I highly recommend you download v3.0.2 or v.2.4.2 at this time.
